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About Me:


My name is Kelimar Torres and I am the creator of Wonderfully Made. I am 21 years old and currently a student studying Psychology. My career goal is to be a Marriage and Family Counselor. I want to restore what was once broken and help others see the beauty in brokeness.


In case you are wondering why I have created this blog, please allow me to tell you my story:


Growing up, I always compared myself to other women. I would look at their body shapes, personalities, style and think to my self "what does she have that I don't have". From there on, I wanted to be just like those beautiful girls so I can attract a really handsome guy so they can fill a void in my heart. I changed my style to their style. I changed my laugh to their laugh. I adjust my attutide and personalitiy to match everyone elses and guess what... I forgot who I was. It wasn't until my sophomore year in High School where I looked at mself and said "I am going to wear whatever I like. For once, I am going to be me." From that day on, I discover my love for fashion, reading and writing. I am still on a journey of "self love"--learning to love the skin I am in, learning to love all of my curves and  learning to love the way God created me.


I created this blog to share my journey. I will be sharing some outfit details, tips and tricks in styling an outfit and giving a daily dose of encouragement through my testimony. I am believing that the Holy Spirit will use this blog to remind you who you are in Him. If you like what you see, join me in this journey I call, Wonderfully Made. Where we learn to love ourselves as God loves us.


Let the adventure begin :)


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